Beaucare - Strengthening Our Communities

Beaucare exists to strengthen our communities and provide opportunities for people to maximise their quality of life.

Beaucare aims to achieve this by:

  • Providing direct assistance to people who require relief from disadvantage
  • Researching needs and working with the community to find ways to address those needs
  • Fostering strong cooperative relationships and networks with the aim of strengthening our communities.

Beaucare provides a broad range of community services. These include child care, family support, youth development, services for the frail aged and people with a disability and community centre coordination.

Our administration is based at the Beaucare Community Centre at 44 Tina Street, Beaudesert. We provide services to people in surrounding communities including Tamborine, Logan Village, Jimboomba, Flagstone, Cedar Vale, Bromelton, Rathdowney, Kerry, Beechmont and Canungra.

Our History

Beaucare is a community based organisation. It was incorporated as the Beaudesert & District Health & Welfare Association in 1987. It was established by local people in response to local experiences. All staff and board members value this history.

In 2005, the organisation launched its trading name Beaucare. In 2013, the name of the organisation changed to Beaucare Inc.

Our Values

  • Respect
  • Equity
  • Collaboration
  • Justice
  • Self-determination
  • Optimism

Contact us

Members of the community are invited to contact us with your questions, suggestions or concerns. Our general enquiries phone number is (07) 5541 4216 or email If the matter is confidential ask to speak to the General Manager on (07) 5541 4216 or email


Beaucare acknowledges the contribution volunteers make to supporting services. Volunteers are an important part of our organisation. The involvement of volunteers improves and expands the range and quality of services provided. Please email for further information.


Beaucare welcomes new members and encourages the community to support Beaucare through joining our organisation. Membership is $5.00 p.a.

Click here to download our Membership Application


Beaucare welcomes donations which are tax deductible. Regular direct donations to Beaucare can be organised by contacting our Administration team on (07) 5541 4216. We appreciate this support from members of the community.

Beaucare is a community based organisation managed by a volunteer board of management. The board is elected each year at the Annual General Meeting. All board members are committed to the Beaucare vision, goals and values. If you would like to contact the board you may:

Phone via Beaucare administration (07) 5541 4216
Write to the Secretary PO BOX 572 Beaudesert, Qld 4285
or Email to the Secretary at

Servicing Gold Coast, Beaudesert & Logan


My daughter has been enrolled in Beaucare Family Day Care for a number of years. During this time we have had a very positive experience with the Educators that have provided care for her. My d...

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