Family Day Care Fee Schedule Guide
for ages 0 (birth) to 12 years old
Care that falls between the hours of 7am to 5pm Monday to Friday
$ 8.00 - $16.00 per hour per child
Care that falls before 7am and after 5pm Monday to Friday
$ 9.25 - $20.00 per hour per child
Care that is access outside of the Booked Hours
$ 8.00 - $25.00 per hour per child
Overnight care
Weekend care
Vacation care
Monday to Friday before and after school care
Vacancies for children from birth to 12 years
Any Booked Hours that are not attended by the child, where the educator is available to provide care
100% of normal fees charged for the Booked Hours
Care accessed on a Public Holiday.
Normal Booked Hours are charged if care is not accessed
$ 8.00 - $30.00 per hour per child
Care that falls between Friday 12am(midnight) and Sunday 12am(midnight)
$ 8.00 - $30.00 per hour per child
Care that is accessed during school term. Before school care and after school care falls between the hours of 7am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
( Session of care ceases at school for BSC and commences at school for ASC)
$ 8.00 - $15.50 per hour per child
No Charge
Food/meals provided to child in care by Educator.
$2.00 - $ 10.00 per meal
Individually approved by service manager.
Fees will be charged in 15 minute, 30 minute or 60 minute blocks.
$ 25.00 per week per Educator
$1.70 per hour per child added to Educator hourly rate
This fee structure and all levies are subject to review and a minimum 2 weeks’ notice will be provided.